What Will Be…


In the three plus years I’ve been doing this, there’s several tea brands I’m grateful to have gotten feedback from,  have a working relationship with, or are in constant dialogue with to see how I can expand this thing.  The latter is entirely up to me, and my belief that I can take this to another level.  In my head and my heart I’m already there.  It will manifest itself naturally, organically, and through a strong spirit and belief in abundance, and in myself of course.

I mentioned how I’ve gotten feedback from several companies.  There’s several that resonate but one from Celestial Seasonings still affects me for a variety of reasons.  That post that ties it all together can be found here.

This was based on negative feedback I gave to one of their teas, and they gave me the best gift (during the holidays of course) of having me sample all their teas as a thank you for my honest feedback, and also maybe as a make good.

What made this so special was not only did this give me enough content to last past Christmas and into the new year, but it felt like a validation for all the dedication and effort I’ve put into this blog.  But in a way, at the time, it felt effortless.  I thought after a while, did I peak too soon?  Did I not deserve this kind of praise?  Did I expect more or less than I deserved?  All the questions I should and then I shouldn’t be asking in hindsight.

But because I gave a bad a review a tea, and they wanted me to try a bunch more, it makes me want to buy their teas and support them even further, which I’m doing for sure.  I don’t take that for granted.

At the time I felt grateful, and I still am.  I felt at the time that time stood still, anything is possible, and the universe had big plans for me.

Then maybe I got complacent, too busy, or started taking things for granted.  I honestly don’t know.  All I know is you and I can be our best friend, or otherwise.  Where am I going with all this?

In those two years since there’s maybe been a part of me that is expecting care packages and feedback, when I shouldn’t expect anything.   There’s a different between expectations, presumptions, and a genuine feeling of success.  I’m truly grateful to be able to even write this out, and have an audience (which continues to grow) that enjoy what I’m doing, and want to help me and see it succeed.  That makes me feel good

So in a way, this is an homage, a thank you, and another walk with a tea that’s not only affordable, accessible, but all around awesome.


The Peppermint Herbal Tea contains just one ingredient.  That’s exactly right.  Does it get any better? Well only if the taste matches the aura that surrounds Celestial Seasonings.  And the answer is yes.

Maybe it was the mood my friend and I were in.  It was just after Christmas, and that still means a time for reflection (as I’m doing now and we were doing just about a month ago), contemplation, confusion, and a lot of other things.


Yet it’s also time for hope, promise, looking forward to a new year, but also appreciating where we are.

Time, feelings, moments can be fleeting, fickle, and at times all an illusion.

We’re all connected, all energy, and coming from the same source.

I like to think that the good I’ve put out there into the universe has and will continue to be rewarded.  I can only hope this continues, and it will.


A simple like sipping tea with a friend brings me joy, uplifts me, and gives me the most meaningful stories.  It gives me a sense of purpose.

This is my purpose.

The title of this post is pretty open-ended, and that same goes for most of our lives.  We experience just joy, sometimes sadness, but hopefully more joy, and a lot of adventures along the way.   This adventure is just getting started.

Big things are coming, I can feel it.  But for know I adore this tea, and I suggest you grab yourself some while the weather is cold, and being cozy and comfortable sounds like the best thing ever right now.

To find Celestial Seasonings at a store near you click here, or you can buy them online,  there’s so much to discover, so much to learn,  so much to see, and so many ways to connect.

Finally, here is my growing (and will continue to do so) history of Celestial Seasonings Tea.

2018 is going to be something else.  I don’t know where this year is going, but I have some idea.  It’s good to embrace to unknown, not fear it.  It’s good to be get a sense of things, even if you can’t see it…

Peace and harmony to you.  Peace be with you.



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