The Magic of Tea


Some things just get better with age, with time, and with anything.  Change is constant, constant is constant.  What is will always be, moving in form, through form, and out of form.   And all that other metaphysical, cosmic, and uplifting stuff that sounds good on the surface, but doesn’t always register or resonate.

But often times it does.

Celestial Seasonings is worthy of all the praise, all the lauding, and all the love I can bestow upon it.    It’s only been a few months (all my stories can be found here) since the last time, but it honestly feels like so long ago.  So much has happened that it feels like it;s been ages.  And in a way that’s ok.

As time is moving rapidly, it also feels slow.  I know we’re in late July and that may feel sad for some (I’m one of them), yet there’s still plenty of the summer, the season, and of course life to celebrate.

They just continue to dazzle and impress with all their amazing flavors and newest creations.   Some seem to have passed me by via limited release, but nevertheless, there’s plenty of good to share with you.

And I’m grateful to be sharing two summery and wonderful blends with you now.

The Watermelon Lime Zinger and the Tangerine Orange are the kinds of teas I should have started having back in the Spring, but here we are, and it’s never too late and it’s no time like well….


I’ll start with the latter.   The blend of tangerines, oranges, passionfruit, and hibiscus creates a masterful looking tea, and that pinkish-reddish color makes it all the more a picturesque sight.

For my own edification and maybe yours too, I made both teas hot and iced, and the results are exciting.  Yes I found the discoveries to be a bit of a surprise, but it all leans towards the positive.


Yet I enjoyed the tangerine orange heated over chilled.  I feel the iced version lost a little bit of its flavor.  Maybe I put too much ice, maybe my taste buds and mood were altered a bit, but I’m going to lean and say that this just feels right under higher temperatures.


The Watermelon Lime is even that much more spectacular.  It’s good iced or hot, and the flavors remain.  This tastes even more like summer and I can’t get enough of it.  If I had to pick one, I would go with this, but you can’t go wrong (and it’s all right and amazing) with either.


It tastes like candy, it tastes naturally sweet, and it taste like it’s from somewhere or something bigger than us.  I know that’s a bit much, but I felt transformed and felt rejuvenated.   Like I said, these are the teas I should be having more often and what I grew up on.

These are the teas that have helped this blog and helped me learn more about tea, learn more about myself, and to just feel good in general.  Tea is good, tea is fun, and tea is so beautiful.

I took my time sipping as I took my time writing this.  There’s moments where I feel like, is this all worth it?  And the answer is yes. The answer is still yes.  It will always be yes.

Celestial Seasonings teas are easy to find, at a store near you, and are quite affordable, for under $3, and even less than that in many places.  In a world where teas are going up in price, for what may or may not be higher quality, Celestial Seasonings has been that constant and consistent brand that you can trust, depend on, and will always be there for you.

It’s always been there for me.

Where do we go from here?  There’s so many flavors and so many styles I could tap into.  And I just might.

I just might.

Peace as always be with you.


The Heart of Annapolis


There’s this calming feeling when you go back to a place for a second time, especially since it’s been nearly two years since the prior visit.  Bean Rush Cafe has the coziness of Annapolis tucked away in an even more quaint and peaceful part of town, if that’ even possible.


My continuously growing history of a place I love so much can be found here.

Yes, there’s always happiness layered upon happiness if you know where to look, or maybe not look so hard.  It’ll just come to you.  I think I wrote about a similar experience here back in August of 2016. It sounds dream like when I say it like that.  It does feel like two years ago, but then again where did two years go?


Two years and many visits to one of my favorite towns in between compelled me to come back to one of the more charming and welcoming coffee shops (here is more about them and their contact information) I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming to.

It’s July, it’s summer, and it’s one of those be careful what you wish for deals.  While it’s gotten uncomfortably hot for many, in many ways we’ll miss this when it gets colder.  I’ve never been one to complain about the heat.  I love this weather, and I stay hydrated, stay safe, and stay spiritually whole.   It’s easy to do.


Iced tea is the only thing on my agenda at this and will be for a while.   Per recommendations from one of the friendliest faces and voices behind the counter, I went with the Berry Berry Iced Tea and a Raspberry pastry.   Why pastry?  Why not?

They complemented each other well, and I’m all for a lovely display.  The colors and tones fit the summer.  So do so many, and many other themes will be coming in the next few weeks, if not sooner.


This tea is fun.  Where have I heard that before?  I found a spot on the porch, which felt familiar and divine, well yeah, I sat here two years ago.  It’s not that mysterious and surrealisitic, but it’s still fun to me over-the-top dramatic.

I love this place so much.  I felt like I was at a friend or family’s house, and even felt more comfortable than that.


People were saying hello to one another, holding doors, and there was lots of smiling.  This made me so happy.  Where am I?  I’m in the most peaceful and serene place I’ve been in some time.


The flowers in the vicinity, the refreshing tea, and harmonious surroundings makes me feel nostalgic, relieved, and wanting more of this.  I love more of this and I love Annapolis so much.

I didn’t want to get up, I didn’t want to move, so I didn’t.  I sat there for a while and just breathed some fresh air, soaked up the most beautiful and brightest rays of sunshine, and just appreciated being.  This is where the phone and camera was turned off.


For a few moments I was the only person on Earth, and that’s a feeling I sense will be coming back in symbolic and necessary doses, when the timing is right.  Certain spirits will throw in reminders when they feel it’s right.


A place that has been so good to me for such a long time, is going to get a lot of love and support from me over the next few weeks, if not more.   There’s so much to celebrate, and while the wording and themes may be similar, the stories will all have a touch something new.   It’s all relative, it’s all constant, but it’s all love.

My heart will always be with Annapolis.

Peace be with you.



The Fells Point


This whole living in the moment and being here now way of thinking, is a great way to live.  It’s a great way to be.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but a lot of my stories tend to be about that, but at the same token, they become a part of the past.  They become nostalgic, and then there’s the question, am I holding onto the past?   Lots of questions and thinking that can drive one crazy and cause anxiety.

It can also be a source of rebirth, rejuvenation, and a restart…

It’s summertime, which means being outside as much as possible, enjoying company, enjoying food and drink, and enjoying everything under the sun.  And then enjoying everything else under the sun…

Fells Point has been good to me for so many years.  In a little while I can say a couple of decades.  Oh my goodness, feels funny when you say it like that.

My life (and I’m sure many can say the same) has been transformed in the last year.  The amount of life changes in succession might be too much for one person to handle.  But there’s that silly line about how life only gives you so much.  It’s true, or many of us would’ve gone off the deep end.   And that’s still an arguable point.

Lately I’ve been finding more and more peace in the places that have brought happiness to me over the course of my life.   Sometimes unplanned, sometimes with a mission to be there, yet the stops in and along the way still being spontaneous.  Life an be good.  It can be great actually.


Many year later, many things change, but there’s the constants.  I feel like I’ve said this before, and then said this before, and then…

Pitango Gelato (locations can be found here) has been one of those more recent staples of Fells Point that has the sense of local, sense of community, and a sense of pride.

They’ve expanded and evolved with the times, like many places have.

With their new cafe in an ideal spot by the water, it’s in tune with everything right about the neighborhood.

I’ll get back to the iced teas soon, but this is about peace no matter what you’re doing, and what you’re sipping on.   I had a friend join me, and I had a cup of their White Monkey, which was in their selection of loose teas.   Perfect for now, perfect for whenever is how I look at it.


I love white tea.  I don’t delve into it enough.  That’s going to change.


Finding a place outside is ideal.  Having a view of the water and the downtown shoppes, restaurants, and local flavor warms my heart from end to end.  I love it so much.

I don’t have much else to say.   This is one of those posts where I feel like I’ve said so much of this before, and I don’t know where we go from here.  I tend to say that a lot as well.

What I do know this I’m fully on board with summer, and there’s so much left to celebrate and embrace.  With that I don’t bid adieu or anything like that.  I will say that I have some exciting things in mind in the coming weeks, without really having any idea what they are.  I shouldn’t live too far in the future.  It’s about this current moment in life, and all the other way too profound stuff, that I would like to cut out, but that’s not me.


If you’re in the neighborhood, I would highly recommend a visit.  I have friends that often come back to the Fells Point, specifically for their gelato, and now the cafe.

It’a journey worth taking..

Peace be with you…



…Look Up To The Sky…


Well we finally got to March, and while it felt like it wouldn’t get here, it got here, and got here quick.

This is life now.   As we get older, it feel like things are accelerating.  While that might be true, (and no this is not some rant about space and time, well maybe), everything is relative.  We’re all from the same creative source, and we all come from abundance.

I want to believe that for me as well.  I can believe it for everyone else, but lately doubt has crept in my life.   Maybe it’s the cold weather, maybe it’s life changes happening to me and the one’s closest to me that have an direct or indirect impact on me.

As happy as many of my posts have been, I was due for some turbulence.   And this is where I am currently.   As I write this, I could go up, down, or stay the course.   My feelings, as well as your feelings, are fickle.  They’re fleeting, and can come and go at a moment’s notice, like it just did right there.

When times can be tough, and I don’t feel like my best, I must take a look around and look at myself, and realize I have much to be thankful and grateful for.  It’s easier done than said.  Yes I did just say that.  Again I need to tell myself that.


So I always look up the sky…

My gratitude for this post comes from the fact that this tea was given to me as a gift.  And specifically this was Christmas gift, including the mug, that I was only able to receive a few weeks ago.   It comes from dear friends, along with myself, being busy with other plans and things just coming up.  But making time for the people you love is of the upmost importance.   So I’m thankful to say, that time was made.  And more has been made since with these wonderful people.

This most wonderful tea comes from one of my now new favorites, Pukka.


I wrote about Pukka a month ago, based on a brand new discovery of this tea.   And this is how life can be so wonderful.  I wrote about Pukka, not knowing I would be presented with another gem from them…

The Turmeric Glow is as close to perfect as its going to be for calming, for peace, for joy, for abundance, for happiness, and all those things we strive for.


The combination of turmeric, lemon, cardamom, and green tea is almost like a throwback to how a tea should taste.  I’ve always said the less ingredients the better.

And wouldn’t you know it, there’s licorice.  And if anything, the licorice is so understated that it adds just enough to enhance this tea, but doesn’t take away from it.

Just because you might not taste it, or see it, doesn’t mean it’s there.

Lack of evidence, doesn’t mean evidence of lack.   Think about that one for a minute.

I had this tea in a different setting.  And a change of scenery means everything…


I sat outside in my friends’ backyard, with nothing but nature, nothing but their beautiful dogs (they didn’t make any of these pictures, but maybe in a future post), and nothing with the silence of my thoughts, which were up, down, around, and all over the place like a roller coaster.

But after a few sips, all felt right.  If it’s a placebo then so be it.  If it’s the fact that sipping tea is one of those simple joys that will always make me happy, then so be it.  If it was the flavors, then well you get the idea.


Here’s more on why so many of us love Turmeric.

It’s all of those things, maybe none of those things, and a lot of those thing unseen, unspoken, and unheard that make this or any experience what it is.  Ultimately it falls upon us to make the best of it.

I just need to keep telling myself that.

This is just the beginning.  There’s more love of Pukka coming.

To find out more about Pukka Herbs, here is a list of all their teas (including Turmeric Glow)their mission,  a section on our well being, and, frequently asked questions, and, a little something inspirational.

To get in touch you can find them here.

Their teas are available at Wegmans, and hopefully a retailer near you.


Peace Be With You.  Spring is coming…
