The Fells Point


This whole living in the moment and being here now way of thinking, is a great way to live.  It’s a great way to be.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but a lot of my stories tend to be about that, but at the same token, they become a part of the past.  They become nostalgic, and then there’s the question, am I holding onto the past?   Lots of questions and thinking that can drive one crazy and cause anxiety.

It can also be a source of rebirth, rejuvenation, and a restart…

It’s summertime, which means being outside as much as possible, enjoying company, enjoying food and drink, and enjoying everything under the sun.  And then enjoying everything else under the sun…

Fells Point has been good to me for so many years.  In a little while I can say a couple of decades.  Oh my goodness, feels funny when you say it like that.

My life (and I’m sure many can say the same) has been transformed in the last year.  The amount of life changes in succession might be too much for one person to handle.  But there’s that silly line about how life only gives you so much.  It’s true, or many of us would’ve gone off the deep end.   And that’s still an arguable point.

Lately I’ve been finding more and more peace in the places that have brought happiness to me over the course of my life.   Sometimes unplanned, sometimes with a mission to be there, yet the stops in and along the way still being spontaneous.  Life an be good.  It can be great actually.


Many year later, many things change, but there’s the constants.  I feel like I’ve said this before, and then said this before, and then…

Pitango Gelato (locations can be found here) has been one of those more recent staples of Fells Point that has the sense of local, sense of community, and a sense of pride.

They’ve expanded and evolved with the times, like many places have.

With their new cafe in an ideal spot by the water, it’s in tune with everything right about the neighborhood.

I’ll get back to the iced teas soon, but this is about peace no matter what you’re doing, and what you’re sipping on.   I had a friend join me, and I had a cup of their White Monkey, which was in their selection of loose teas.   Perfect for now, perfect for whenever is how I look at it.


I love white tea.  I don’t delve into it enough.  That’s going to change.


Finding a place outside is ideal.  Having a view of the water and the downtown shoppes, restaurants, and local flavor warms my heart from end to end.  I love it so much.

I don’t have much else to say.   This is one of those posts where I feel like I’ve said so much of this before, and I don’t know where we go from here.  I tend to say that a lot as well.

What I do know this I’m fully on board with summer, and there’s so much left to celebrate and embrace.  With that I don’t bid adieu or anything like that.  I will say that I have some exciting things in mind in the coming weeks, without really having any idea what they are.  I shouldn’t live too far in the future.  It’s about this current moment in life, and all the other way too profound stuff, that I would like to cut out, but that’s not me.


If you’re in the neighborhood, I would highly recommend a visit.  I have friends that often come back to the Fells Point, specifically for their gelato, and now the cafe.

It’a journey worth taking..

Peace be with you…



That’s The Island Greeting…


This post is long overdue for several reasons.  First, a friend brought me a couple of boxes of Hawaiian Islands Tea Company, and while I sampled them, I just never gave myself the opportunity to write about them.  That, or the timing didn’t seem right.

For more on purchasing Hawaiian Island Teas, click here.

Speaking of timing, a recent visit right after Christmas, to the ever-so-charming Café Latte da in the beautiful Fells Point neighborhood of Baltimore, told me the timing was just right.

I met up with a friend on a truly random day, which are always my favorites.  The intention was coffee, breakfast, maybe a pastry, and who know what else.  But intention and attention to things change.  Yes there was coffee, but I recall fondly how charming their tea display was.


While you see a familiar brand in full display, off to the left was the Hawaiian Islands that have alluded me for far too long.

It was meant to be.  It’s really that simple.  I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, I detached myself from the universe, whether I realized it or not, and the tea was just waiting for me, in plain sight.

The tea I’m actually going to talk about is the Coconut Macadamia Herbal Rooibos tea, that I’m actually sipping on currently to make this post a little more authentic.  I may do more of this in the future, if I can gain even some more inspiration reminiscing on the past sipping experience, and how I feel in the present, and as I write this.

Considering that this was a little under a month ago, and still technically in the holidays, a lot of feelings and emotions are already in place, and even more amplified because of the season.

For all the melancholy, there’s always much to be grateful, hopeful, and to be happy for.  Just the fact that I’m able to write this out is a blessing.  And the fact that you, me, or anyone else has a gift to express themselves is another one.  I could go on and on.


How was the tea?  While it may not make sense to drink it during the colder months, it made all the sense to me.  It makes all the sense.  That’s what’s so great about tea, you can have many of them, hot or chilled, and many during any time of year.

This was a great tea.  And Roobios continues to be impress me and make me so happy.


The flavors of coconut and macadmia are enough, more than enough, to make you smile, feel good, and feel relaxed.  As the synopsis says Rooibos is known to help with digestive issues and nervous tension, which is something I’ve been dealing with for quite some time.  And while I think most natural teas, have so many health benefits, it’s good to know that Rooibos is exactly what I need more times than not.  No matter I’ve been so drawn to it.  That’s no accident.

You know what else helps with tension?  Good company, a quiet space, and plenty of time to listen to what’s going on with the friends in your world, in a setting that I yearn for.


HITeaCoconutMacadmiaTeaSantaI haven’t been to Latte da since, and I almost in a way feel that’s fitting.   I’ll go back for a coffee, a pastry, a breakfast item, and time will go on, and I won’t think about things.

But another magnetic force, a sign from the universe, and something much bigger than I can describe will bring us back here for another momentous day.   I might be sound dramatic, but these are the experiences that better me as a person, humble me, and remind me that it’s ok to feel whatever it is I’m feeling.


I hope I’m forgiven for posting these holiday images a little late. Haha.

I want to believe the universe loves me, forgives me, and is here to look out for me.

It looked out for us on this day.

Peace Be With You.




A Glorious Day


Leave it to the Fells Point Fun Festival to bring another magical moment and post to my blog. After last year, I didn’t expect to write about anything for 2016.  And not in any negative away, I just didn’t have any expectations or was actively looking for this week or next weeks post.   Several lessons can be taken from this, let it come to to you, and expect the unexpected.  I need to keep reminding myself that.

For us in Baltimore, this event means so much to us.  Many of us don’t know why we love this festival exactly, but its sentiment rings true.  The neighborhood has changed, so has the city, maybe we’ve changed ourselves.  I should speak for myself, maybe I’ve changed too.  Actually I know I’ve changed.  But nearly 15 years of doing it, it seems to have been rejuvenated the past couple of years.  The allowing of drinking in certain part of the streets definitely play a part but I truly believe the heavier emphasis on local vendors and local business is the true backbone and the true revitalization.

And we’re talking upwards of 100,000+ people that attend.  This being the 50th anniversary, you know that’s going to add to it.

Saturday was rainy, the skies were gloomy, but my friends and I weathered the storm and enjoyed ourselves.  That’s what life is about.   We drank, we ate, we shared laughs, we hopped from one place to another.  It doesn’t get any better.

Sunday felt like a rebirth.  The early afternoon looked ominous but the skies cleared and then it still felt like Summer.  I know it’s October but it was akin to a new sense of hope and possibility.  It also led to more casual strolling and a more focused energy on seeing what was outside of the madness.


After that extended monologue (prologue?) I’m grateful to have found within that hectic sea of humanity, the most charming of booths, the Wight Tea Company.


Again I almost just walked by and thought I have enough content to last throughout the year.  There will never be enough content.  And never enough to support local business.


I’m glad I turned backed around.   Izzy who was working the booth was kind of enough to let me try all four samples.   There were four, and if I get them wrong, I hope I’m corrected.


But I’m going to try and recite the orfer by memory. First, I had the Sage Rose White, then the Tropical Green, Evening Tisane (their Chamomile), and finally the Chai.

This sounds like a cop out but I liked them all and likely in that order.   White and Green have always been favorites of mine.  White teas in general have been a regular staple in my sipping repertoire.   Chamomile was once I tea I avoided but as ones palate expands and evolves, new interests develop.  That may be a reflection on me growing as a person too.

By virtue of this blog it has made me try and uncover new teas, new companies, and new start ups.


This is a start up that I’m rooting for.   I had the pleasure of meeting Brittany and Joseph Wight, two siblings who are the brains and brawn behind this operation.  You couldn’t meet two friendlier people.   When good people are taking a leap of faith, and using their own creativity to better humanity and themselves, it’s something you root for.

I live vicariously through such ventures, and it inspires to maybe one day do something myself. We’re all capable of it.  I motivated myself to do this blog.  And this’ll end up being looked back on as one of my most favorite posts.


If you’re interested in purchasing their amazing teas, you can click here.  I was told more teas, strainers, filters, etc.  will be added to the website soon.

For our pals in Maryland, their teas are currently located at Rooster & Hen Store in Ellicott City, and Boutique 44 in Roland Park.

And exciting businesses are about to open by the end of the year, that will be carrying their products.  R.House Baltimore will be opening by the end of the year, and a cup or pot of tea will be available at BLK/Sugar Stall.  This article will shed some more light on this.

Last but not least, their teas will be carried at BWillow in Remington, which is due to open at the end of the year.  Big things are happening!

Here’s a list of future events of where you can try their mesmerizing teas.  And here is their contact information, if you have questions.

Oh cool they have a blog too!  Yes, all the cool people are blogging!

My posts from the festival last year and Fells in general can be found here and here.

This is just the beginning.  I will be purchasing their teas and updates to this post may be happening periodically. And hey, another post may come in time as well.  This is one where I want to word out about these guys.  I had such a good feeling when I was there on Sunday.  I wish them all the best.  The best!


I love local,
